Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis: April 6, 2023
Posted: Thursday, April 6, 2023 - 2:50 PM

Minnesota State High School League
Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis
League Office, Brooklyn Center, MN
Thursday, April 6, 2023
- Board member M. Denarvise Thronton, Jr., provided the reflection.
- Board President Troy Stein called the meeting to order at 9:39 a.m.
- The Board of Directors approved the consent agenda.
- The Board of Directors approved the meeting minutes of Feb. 2, 2023.
Lobbyist Report
- League Executive Director Erich Martens shared updates from the State Legislature supplied by league lobbyist Roger Aronson.
- Educational funding is a primary focus of proposed legislation.
Legal Counsel Report
Legal Counsel Kevin Beck reported there are no pending or threatened legal actions.
Executive Director’s Report
Executive Director Erich Martens:
- Shared an update on the MSHSL Foundation B1 and B2 Grant Approvals.
- Attended recent committee meetings and shared updates from:
- DEIB Committee
- Sports Medicine Advisory
- Adoption of Programs Task Force
- Principal’s Advisory Committee
- Yielded the floor to League Staff for a recap of winter recognitions and state tournaments.
- Reported that despite some weather challenges all tournaments held and attendance at winter state tournaments increased by six percent from 2022.
- Attended and shared information from:
- The League- hosted Playfly High School Sports Properties staff gathering.
- MnIAAA State Conference in St. Cloud
Executive Committee Report
Board President Troy Stein reported:
- The committee approved the minutes from meetings on Feb. 1, Feb. 21 and March 17.
- Approved the recommendations of the ADs Advisory for granted appeals for moving teams to a lower class for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.
- Reviewed a report from Forbes Solutions on the Together We Make a Difference initiative.
- Approved the date and venue for the Visual Arts State Festival as Saturday, May 13 at the Perpich Center for the Arts in Golden Valley.
- Approved Chanhassen High School as the host site for the Adapted Softball State Tournament.
- Approved White Bear Lake High School as a host site for the Lacrosse State Tournament. Stillwater Area High School remains a host site for the event.
- Directed League staff to present a revised draft of the Activity Advisory Proposal Process Policy including requirements of each proposal.
- Reviewed and approved policy language allowing for five-inning doubleheaders in softball and baseball for Spring 2023.
- Reviewed the amendment proposals for the Representative Assembly to be held May 9.
- The Board of Directors approved the Executive Committee report as presented.
Action Items
9A: 2023-2024 Tournament Calendar
The Board of Directors approved the State Tournament Calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
9B: 2023-2024 Meeting Dates
The Board of Directors approved the Meeting Dates for the 2023-2024 school year, including board meetings, workshops, Area Meetings and the Representative Assembly.
9C: Competitive Section Placements 2023-2024 and 2024-2025
- The Board of Directors approved the Competitive Section Placements for teams for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years.
- Maps illustrating the Competitive Section Placements of teams will be available on Friday, April 7 on the League’s website:
Discussion Items
10A: Basketball Shot Clock Rule Adoption
League Staff presented draft language information in preparation for the implementation of the Basketball Shot Clock for the 2023-2024 season. Included will be language on the reset of the clock and an adjustment to the closely-guarded rule in the frontcourt. Approval of the policy language will be an Action Item at the next Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, June 6.
10B: Winter Activity Advisory Proposals
- League Staff shared information and updates on the Winter Activity Advisory Proposals as they’ve been proposed through the advisory committee process.
- Seed the Boys and Girls Basketball State Tournament Nos. 1-8 for all classes.
Implement a specific order of competition at the preliminary round of the State Tournament to be determined by placement at the section competition.
- Update the qualification methods for Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum and Policy Debate to match the format used by Congressional Debate.
- Setting the number of state qualifiers at 24 in all four events.
- Nordic Skiing:
- Include medals for team alternates.
- Increase the number of individuals qualifying for the State Meet from each section to be qualifying teams plus six highest finishers.
- Create a schedule that creates greater consistency.
- Modify the use of alternate skiers at the State Meet to allow a skier from the sprint relay to fill an empty slot in the pursuit or vice versa.
- Implement updated tie-breaking criteria by removing the current first determining factor.
- On a two-year trial basis, creating an option for 13 weight classes for team competition and 14 weights for individual competition.
- Adding a half-day of competition to the current three-day format for the Wrestling State Meet.
10C: Together We Make a Difference
League Staff shared updates and next steps in the Together We Make a Difference initiative. The League’s partners in this initiative-- MSBA, MASSP, AMSD, MnIAAA and MSHSCA—remain committed to continuation of the initiative.
10D: Representative Assembly
- League Staff shared an update on the Representative Assembly amendment proposals that will be considered on Tuesday, May 9. The meeting begins at 9 a.m.
- Adopting new bylaws designed specifically for Adapted Athletics and supported by MAAA.
- Approving Boys Volleyball as an interscholastic activity for the 2024-2025 school year.
10E: Membership Dues
League Staff reviewed the process by which the League determines membership dues and discussed financial information that is considered in the setting of dues. This will be an Action Item at the August Board meeting as the fiscal year ends on July 31.
Committee Reports
11A: Eligibility Committee
The Eligibility Committee report included updated data on the number of cases and outcomes and was approved as presented.
11B: Audit/Finance Committee
The Board of Directors approved the January 2023 and February 2023 financial statements.
11C: Marketing and Communications Committee
- League Staff shared updates on media management and partnerships including the upcoming Media Forum on May 17, the League’s online credentialing platform, and possible revisions to the 2023-2024 Media Policy Manual.
- League Staff shared updates on social media engagement and the coverage of member schools.
- League Staff shared a marketing and sponsorship update that included sponsor fulfilments at state tournaments. Davanni’s and Prairie Farms are new corporate partners.
- League Staff shared technology updates that included statistics and analytics on digital state tournament souvenir programs, website page views, social media followers and additional ongoing projects.
11D: Education and Leadership Committee
- League Staff shared an update on the Student Advisory Leadership Team (SALT). Nine students are participating in the program. Applications for the 2023-2024 school year will open soon. New members will be included in the June work session.
- League Staff shared that 644 coaches from member schools have taken the Head Coaches Course since August.
- The League’s Officials Advisory Committee will meet in two weeks. The group is looking to add a Fine Arts representative.
- Registration for officials opens in May with the same fee structure utilized in the 2022-2023 school year.
- Minnesota will host the National Association of Sports Officials Summit in 2027.
Informational Items:
- Board Officer Candidates for 2023-2024 were introduced.
- Election of Board Officers will take place at the June meeting
- Board Workshop: Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 2 p.m.
- Next in-person Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 9:30 a.m.
- NFHS Summer Meeting: June 28-July 2, 2023, Seattle, WA
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:39 p.m.