Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis, April 7. 2022
Posted: Thursday, April 7, 2022 - 4:26 PM

Minnesota State High School League
Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis
Minneapolis Marriott West, Golden Valley, MN
Thursday, April 7, 2022
- Board President Tom Jerome called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.
- The meeting agenda and consent agenda were approved.
- The Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from Feb. 3, 2022, were approved.
- Board President Tom Jerome shared a reflection on the winter state tournament events.
Lobbyist Report
League Lobbyist Roger Aronson shared updates from the State Legislature, including a bill that would extend the sales tax exemption on tournament tickets and provides support to the MSHSL Foundation through 2030.
Legal Counsel Report
Legal Counsel Kevin Beck reported no pending cases.
Executive Director’s Report
Erich Martens reported:
- St. Louis Park Superintendent Astein Osei will serve the remaining Board of Directors term for a Class AA MASA representative through the 2022-2023 school year.
- A Governor Appointee position is open for application. Processes are underway for selection of new Board Members to represent Regions 7A-8A, Regions 1AA-2AA and Regions 3AA-4AA. Positions are also open for MASSP (Class A Principal) and MASA.
- Thanked many supporters and partners, including broadcast, corporate, venues, officials, staff, Board of Directors, Region Secretaries and media during the Winter State Tournament events.
- Yielded the floor to League Staff who shared reports of recent Winter State Tournaments.
- Yielded the floor to Lisa Lissimore for a review of the Triple “A” and ExCEL recognition programs in March, as well as a preview of the League’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony on April 24.
- Thanked the Conference Placement Committee members comprised of Blaine Novak (Chair), Mindy Chevalier, Steve Eklund, Rick Johns, Willie Jett, Brett McNeal, Bonnie Spohn.
- Conducted presentations and Q and A sessions with AMSD on March 18 and the MSHSCA Delegate meeting on March 25.
- League Staff attended the MnIAAA State Conference March 29 and 30 in St. Cloud. Presentations given by League Staff included: Eligibility, Incidents at Events and Website Information and an address by the Executive Director.
- Thanked the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee for their support and work throughout the pandemic in providing guidance and recommendations to League Staff and Board of Directors members.
- LEAD Network returns Thursday, April 14 at 10:45 a.m.
Executive Committee Report
- After hearing an appeal, the Executive Committed affirmed the recommendation of placing Ortonville High School in the Camden Conference.
- Approved the recommendation of an employment contract for Randi Hill, administrative assistant.
- Approved the recommendation of employment contracts for Phil Archer and Lisa Quednow, associate directors.
- Approved a $45 participant fee for the Clay Target State Tournament. This aligns with the participant fee of U.S. Clay Target League events.
- Approved an extra-game waiver in Boys Lacrosse at the junior varsity level for opponents of Hutchinson High School.
The Executive Committee discussed:
- The NFHS Summer Conference and supports the return to attendance by Board of Directors members up to two times within a full term.
- Class AA Boys Hockey Season Ticket consolation round considerations.
- The League Meetings schedule and are supportive of the Area Meetings taking place in the fall and using alternative methods, including LEAD Network and MNIAAA, to interact and provide membership with MSHSL updates and support.
- The Strategic Direction of policy governance including working toward proposals that represent a greater portion of Minnesota and are in alignment with the League’s beliefs, principles and bylaws.
Action Items
9A: 2022-2023 Tournament Calendar
- The Board of Directors approved the projected postseason calendar for the 2022-2023 school year.
9B: 2022-2023 Meeting Dates
- The Board of Directors approved the projected calendar of meeting dates for the 2022-2023 school year that includes Board Meetings, Board Workshops, Area Meetings and the annual Representative Assembly Meeting.
9C: Conference Placement
- Approved the recommendation of the Conference Placement Committee to place Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley High School in the Little Eight Conference.
- Approved the recommendation of the Conference Placement Committee to place Ortonville High School in the Camden Conference.
Discussion Items
10A: Representative Assembly Amendments
- The Representative Assembly, at its meeting on Tuesday, May 10, will consider adding Boys Volleyball and modifying Bylaw 110, as approved by the Board of Directors in February
10B: Activity Advisory Proposals
Alpine Skiing
- State meet tiebreaker --- A request to implement the same tiebreaker that is in place for the section competition. The process would go to the fifth- and sixth-place finisher in succession to identify the winning team. If still tied, it goes back to the top three, top two and top one, successively.
- State meet run order --- This proposed change would determine the run order for the second run based on the first run placement. The first 30 finishers would run in opposite order starting from 30th down to first. Then finishers 31 through to highest finisher.
- Protests of disqualification --- This proposal would allow the use of any available photos or videos to protest disqualifications, but would not allow photo or video evidence to implement a disqualification.
- Second run following disqualification --- A skier who was identified as DNF, DSQ, or NPS in their first skiing run would be allowed to participate in their second skiing run after the entire field has had their second run.
Boys and Girls Basketball
- Use of Shot Clock --- This proposal provides the opportunity for conferences to make the decision to allow the use of the 35-second shot clock in conference contests if all schools have the capacity to employ a shot clock.
- Section-State Tournament for Class AAAA --- The proposal would establish a modified version of the current section champions advancing to the state tournaments.
- The final 16 teams in Class AAAA would have the top eight identified by coaches seeding process.
- These eight teams would be assigned to a region by geography and an MSHSL Committee would also place the remaining eight teams using geography among other factors to determine section pairings.
- Number of qualifiers per section --- This proposal would standardize the number of state qualifiers in both Jazz and High Kick at three teams per section. The current rule requires a number of qualifiers that provides the most consistent ratio of competing teams.
- Order of dance competition at state meet – This proposal would establish the qualifying teams at the state meet would use the following for competition order at state preliminaries: implement a random draw of third-place section finishers in spots one through four, second-place section finishers randomly drawn for fifth through eighth and first-place section finishers in the ninth through 12th-place positions.
- Implement an additional round of state qualifier --- This qualifier would bring the third through fifth place finishers in Jazz and High Kick in each class to a common site and they would compete for four places at the state meet. The top two qualifiers in each section would automatically qualify for the state meet.
- Additional wrestling meets, girls participants only --- This proposal would permit girls on a wrestling team the opportunity to compete in up to four girls-only wrestling meets without counting toward the 16 allowed team events each season. All girls would still be held to the 16-event and 45-match individual limits in the current bylaw.
- Add an additional half day to state meet – This proposal would add an extra half day beginning with a session on Wednesday afternoon to provide for:
- Room for growth of number of qualifiers in the girls’ division,
- Extend the individual competition from two days to three days,
- Additional time for all wrestlers to have the opportunity to participate in wrestlebacks, and
- Hold team quarterfinals and consolation semifinals on Wednesday, with team finals, third and fifth place matches on Thursday.
10C: Student Listening Sessions
- In response to recent events and incidents of racial and/or sexual harm that have occurred within member schools and contests, the League has partnered with other educational associations and is establishing plans to engage students in listening sessions in working toward the goal of a student-generated code of conduct for participants and spectators. In addition, the MSHSL will continue to provide direct support to member schools working through these incidents.
10D: NIL Policy
- The League-created NIL Policy draft was presented for a second reading. It will be an Action Item at the Board of Directors meeting on June 7, 2022.
Committee Reports
Eligibility Committee
- The Eligibility Committee meeting minutes were approved as presented.
Audit/Finance Committee
- The Board of Directors approved the January and February financial statements.
- League Staff shared an update on the Annual Audit process.
- Membership Dues for 2022-2023 will be formulated based on the League’s adopted financial model. An estimate for member dues will be sent to member schools in June and schools will be invoiced in August.
- The Board of Directors approved the Audit/Finance Committee report as presented.
Marketing and Communications Committee
League Staff shared:
- Updates on website development and the high volume of visitors to the League’s website over the Winter Tournaments.
- League Staff will begin Media Policy work in preparation for the 2022-2023 school year.
- Sponsorship updates and proposed next steps.
Education and Leadership Committee
- The committee approved a League Staff recommendation to increase the Head Coaches Course from $170 to $200.The price increase is effective in August, 2022. The recommendation was approved by the Board of Directors.
- USCAH recommends League Staff have annual educational training and emergency planning with content including cardiac arrets, head and neck injuries, concussion, heat stroke and mental health emergencies.
- The League is planning to implement additional CER requirements along with the current concussion training available.
- The League’s Officials Advisory Committee met April 6 and discussed sportsmanship and abusive behavior toward officials.
In continuing its Salute to Title IX, the Board of Directors recognized three women that are trailblazing pioneers in bringing equitable opportunities for females in co-curricular activities. Title IX, the landmark federal civil rights law, is celebrating its 50th year of enactment and in a run-up to the national celebration of its passage on June 23, the League’s Board of Directors joins thousands of other high school administrative leaders across the country with tributes. Today, the Board of Directors recognized:
- Lurline Baker-Kent --- The first female minority representative to serve on the League’s Board of Directors from 1980-83.
- Sharon Euerle --- Served as a Board of Directors President and Region 2AA Secretary from 2008-2018.
- Nancy Manderfeld --- The first female Region Ssecretary to be hired and has served Region 6AA since 1990.
- MSHSL Hall of Fame, Class of 2022 Induction Ceremony, April 24, Minneapolis Marriott Northwest, Brooklyn Park. Tickets are available online through
- Board Workshop: Wednesday, May 4, 2 p.m.
- Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:23 p.m.