Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis: July 30, 2024
Posted: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 1:58 PM

Venue: Ruttger’s Bay Lake Resort and Conference Center, Deerwood
Board Member Mark Gitch provided the reflection.
Board President Don Peschel called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.
The Board of Directors approved the meeting agenda and consent agenda.
The Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from June 4, 2024, was approved.
Art Cobb of Minneapolis addressed the Board of Directors advocating for the Girls Softball Tournament to host its Championship Day series at Jane Sage Cowles Stadium on the University of Minnesota campus.
Board Members shared comments on recent events and thanked League Staff for their hard work and guidance.
Lobbyist’s Report
League Lobbyist Roger Aronson shared updates from the State Legislature and State Capitol. He also addressed the topic of coming elections and potential outcomes for Minnesota.
Legal Counsel Report
League Counsel Kevin Beck reported one pending case.
Executive Director’s Report
Executive Director Erich Martens:
Thanked the Board of Directors and League Staff for their attendance at the workshop and the work and dedication to students and Member Schools.
Announced incoming Board of Director Obie Kipper, Jr., has been selected as a Governor Appointee filling the vacancy created by the resignation of May Thao-Schuck.
Shared an update on the hiring process for the open position of an Administrative Assistant.
Shared an update on the collaborative work with Hugh McCutcheon and Rick Ringeisen of the Minnesota State High School Coaches Association on the “Championship Behaviors” initiative.
The NFHS Foundation has provided up to 32 MSHSL Member Schools a chance to obtain an AED at half price. League Staff are working with the MSHSL Foundation Board to make the purchase of these AED’s and distribute them through the Form B process at no cost to schools.
Attended the MASSP Conference on June 24-25. The Principals Advisory met in conjunction with the conference. The League addressed all MASSP attendees relative to 9th Grade Governance.
Thanked the members of the 9th Grade Governance Task Force for their work and their continued efforts in expanding the League to a 9-12 organization. Two meetings are planned for August as the group works through recommendations for updated bylaw and policy language.
Shared that LEAD Network will host its first meeting of the school year on Monday, Aug. 5 at 10:45 a.m., via Zoom.
Reminded the Board of Directors that Area Meetings will take place in September. Area Meeting locations are Ottertail, Thief River Falls, Chisholm, Rochester, Mankato, Marshall, St. Cloud, Eagan and Brooklyn Park.
Executive Committee Report
Board of Directors President Don Peschel reported the Executive Committee:
Received an update on the Request for Proposals process for a digital ticketing provider and approved the recommendation that GoFan serve as the ticketing provider for the next three years.
Approved state tournament dates for the 2024-2025 Soccer State Semifinals and Championships to be held Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 1. A proposal to hold the Track and Field State Meet on June 10-12, 2025, at St. Michael-Albertville High School was also approved.
Reviewed a draft of Strategic Directions developed through work completed during the Board of Directors workshop.
Previewed venue information related to Boys Volleyball and Girls Softball.
The Board of Directors approved the Executive Directors Report as presented.
Action Items
9A: Resolution in Appreciation and Recognition and Dedication to the Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors approved a motion in resolution and appreciation to Dr. Julie Anderson, Dawn Engebretson, Ceil McDonald, Bill Tauer, Gary Revenig and Jim Smokrovich. All completed their service terms to the Board of Directors on June 4, 2024.
9B: 2024-2025 Board of Directors Committee Assignments
The Board of Directors approved a motion to confirm committee assignments for the 2024-2025 school year.
9C: Transfer of Enrollment and Eligibility Guide
The Board of Directors approved an updated Transfer of Enrollment Eligibility Guide that contains clarifying language to assist Member Schools in determining eligibility.
9D: 2024-2025 Complimentary Ticket List
The Board of Directors approved a motion to accept the Complimentary Ticket List for 2024-2025 state tournaments.
9E: 2024-2025 Speech Season: Books and Topic
The Board of Directors approved a motion to accept the following for the 2024-2025 Speech Season:
Discussion Task: Workforce, Workload, and Workplace: A World Out of Balance
Prose: The Moth presents All These Wonders edited by Catherine Burns, 2017.
Poetry: The Name She Gave Me by Betty Culley, HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2022.
Storytelling: Selected stories from Project Gutenberg.
9F: Publications
The Board of Directors approved the following publications for the 2024-2025 school year:
Official Handbook
Board Policy Manual and Guidelines
Region Secretaries Manual
Officials Policy Manual
Media Policy Manual -- The Board of Directors approved a clarifying amendment to include cellphones under “Postseason Spectator Photography” on Page 7.
2024-2026 Dance Team Rules Book
9G: 2024-2025 Strategic Directions
The Board of Directors approved the first draft of Strategic Directions for the 2024-2025 school year. They are:
The League will communicate through effective systems and mediums to promote and support the values and value of the League and its education-based activities and athletics.
The League will support the health, safety, wellness and inclusion of all students, coaches, administrators and officials through leadership, instruction, support and resources.
The League will employ effective policy governance to review, revise and create bylaws and policies that grow, enhance and clarify League student participation.
Input from League Staff and the Board of Directors will continue and final approval will be in October.
9H: 2024-2025 Budget Approval
The Board of Directors approved the League’s annual budget of nearly $12 million.
9I: 2024-2025 Membership Dues
The Board of Directors approved a membership dues credit for the 2024-2025 school year totaling $1.675 million. The credit is due to returning excess revenue back to Member Schools. Based on the credit, membership fees per school of $100 and $50 per activity were approved for returning members. There will be no per-student fee.
Discussion Items
10A: 9th Grade Governance Task Force
League Staff shared a review of lengthy discussion and learning during the two-day workshop on the possible implementation of 9th Grade Governance. Next steps will include continued work by our 9th Grade Task Force and publicly sharing information with Member Schools and administrators during Fall Area Meetings.
10B: Spring Advisory Proposals
League Staff shared updates on Spring Advisory Proposals, which will be Action Items for consideration at the October board meeting.
Baseball --- This proposal seeks to seed all teams in each classification Nos. 1-8.
Boys and Girls Golf --- There are two proposals: One provides a clarification on the definition of a two-day, 36-hole limit. The other clarifies the term “event” for a non-MSHSL event. If a non-MSHSL event is greater than 18 holes, that event will count as only one outside event if the event is held on consecutive days with the same participants.
Boys and Girls Lacrosse --- This proposal seeks to seed all teams Nos. 1-8.
Softball --- This proposal seeks to seed all teams in each classifications Nos. 1-8.
Speech --- There are two proposals: One is to modify the penalty for certain rules violations from being ranked last in a round to the participant being dropped one rank in the round. The other is to eliminate the removal of the Selection Rule.
10C: Classification Competitive Section Placement and District Football for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
League Staff shared an overview of the Competitive Section Placement timeline and process steps involved.
10D: State Tournament Venues
League Staff shared information from recent discussions on Boys Volleyball and the potential of the University of Minnesota hosting Girls Softball Championships.
10E: Eligibility and Enrollment Impacts
League Staff shared information on building a stronger connection between Eligibility and Enrollment, which includes considering a policy change for students enrolled in public online schools.
Committee Reports
11A: Eligibility Committee
Approved the Transfer of Enrollment Eligibility Guide.
The Transfer Portal for the 2024-2025 school year opens Aug. 1.
The Board of Directors approved the Eligibility Report as presented.
11B: Audit/Finance Committee
The Board of Directors approved the May 2024 and June 2024 Financial Statements.
The Board of Directors approved the State Auditor’s Engagement Letter.
The Board of Directors approved the League’s student-participant insurance coverage for the 2024-2025 school year with an increase in the maximum amount of insurance in the Catastrophic Accident Plan.
11C: Marketing and Communications Committee
League Staff shared:
Highlights of modifications in the Media Policies and Guidelines Manual for the 2024-2025 school year.
An update to the Student/School Media policy for postseason coverage.
An update on spectator photography at postseason venues.
The creation of a Photo Manager position to help with the League’s independent-contract photographers assigned to photograph state tournaments.
Information about the new “Anyone Can Save a Life” website that supports the development of Emergency Action Plans.
An update on the League’s apparel vendor and plans for continued growth within the partnership.
11D: Education and Leadership
League Staff shared:
Updates from ongoing work of the League’s Music Advisory Committee for a League-created certification process for adjudicator eligibility and continued work on the repertoire lists.
Information on the Pre-Contest Administrative and Medical Timeout initiative.
Planning continues for Together in Partnership 3.0 that will take place in the four regional sites; Bemidji, Willmar, Rochester and Brooklyn Park in Nov. and Dec. 2024.
The Student Advisory and Leadership Team (SALT) will begin its work early this fall in serving the League.
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year:
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024
Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025
Thursday, April 4, 2025
Tuesday, June 3, 2025
The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m.