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Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis: October 3, 2024

Posted: Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 3:19 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis, Feb. 4, 2021


  • Venue: Minnesota State High School League, Brooklyn Center 

  • Three students from the League’s Student Advisory Leadership Team (SALT) provided the reflection. They are St. Michael-Albertville’s Renae Foster, Willmar’s Lindsey Linares and Austin’s Reese Norton. 

  • Board President Don Peschel called the meeting to order at 9:41 a.m.    

  • The Board of Directors approved the meeting agenda and consent agenda.   

  • The Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from July 30, 2024, was approved.  

  • Arthur Cobb of Minneapolis addressed the Board of Directors advocating for the Girls Softball Tournament to host its Championship Day series at Jane Sage Cowles Stadium on the University of Minnesota campus.  

  • Board Members shared comments on area meetings, representation at partner association events and thanked League Staff for their hard work and guidance.   

 Lobbyist’s Report    

  • League Lobbyist Roger Aronson shared updates from the State Legislature and State Capitol. He described the need to work to extend the legislative provision that allows for the funding of the MSHSL Foundation. He also addressed the topic of coming elections and potential outcomes for Minnesota. 

Legal Counsel Report   

  • League Counsel Kevin Beck reported no pending litigation. 

Executive Director’s Report   

Executive Director Erich Martens:   

  • Thanked the Board of Directors Members and League Staff for their investment of time and energy in planning for the 2024-2025 school year.  

  • Welcomed Obie Kipper, Jr., a Governor’s Appointee, as the newest Board of Directors member. 

  • Yielded the floor to League Staff to share information on long-term planning in Girls Wrestling. 

  • League Staff shared work with Hugh McCutcheon and Rick Ringeisen of the Minnesota State High School Coaches Association on the book “Championship Behaviors.” More than 1,300 books are scheduled to be sent to Minnesota high school coaches. 

  • League Staff shared an update from the League’s Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. Dr. Bill Roberts, the founder and chair of the committee, will transition to an emeritus role on the committee. The co-chairs of the League’s SMAC will be Dr. Sarah Kinsella and Dr. Maria Ryan.  

  • League Staff attended the Team Up for Sports Safety Summit, sponsored by TUFSS, the National Football League and the Korey Stringer Institute.  

  • The Minnesota State High School League will be recognized with the Founders Award at the 2024 American Association of Adapted Sports Programs. The League’s groundbreaking work in developing four adapted sports for students with disabilities is unmatched by any state association. The recognition will be on Oct. 27 in Atlanta. 

Executive Committee Report    

Board of Directors President Don Peschel reported that the Executive Committee: 

  • Discussed language submitted and the voting process for the proposed Constitutional Amendments. 

  • Reviewed discussions held and communications for the 9th Grade Governance proposed Constitutional Amendment. 

  • Reviewed Spring Activity Advisory Proposals. 

  • Reviewed survey feedback on possible venue options for championship day for Softball. Also discussed the work being done in vetting Boys Volleyball tournament locations. 

  • The committee took action on the final reviews on two eligibility cases.  

  • The committee approved the contract for Colin Sokolowski for a Communications Analysis, the development of a Strategic Communications Plan and ongoing communications support.  

  • The committee approved the 2025 Robotics State Tournament for May 10, 2025, at Concordia (St. Paul) University. 

  • The committee approved the venue for 2024 Adapted Soccer State Tournament at White Bear Lake High School.  

  • The committee approved providing four extra tickets per team for additional supervision at the semifinals and finals of Boys and Girls Soccer and Football and for all levels of the Volleyball and Team Wrestling state tournaments.  

  • The committee approved the hiring of Tessa Hauser as an Administrative Assistant.  

  • The committee approved membership for Nah Ah Shing School and Banaadir Charter Schools.  

  • The Board of Directors approved the Executive Committee report as presented.  

Action Items   

9A: Constitutional Amendment: Technical Language Amendment 

  • The Board of Directors approved a motion to approve the amended Constitutional Language. The proposed language amendments do not change the constitutional intent. Examples of the changes include: 

  • Replacing “district” with “section or subsection.” 

  • Inserting accurate language relative to insurance coverage. 

  • Adding “electronic voting” to “mail ballot.” 

  • Replacing “regulations” with “bylaws and policies.” 

9B: Spring Advisory Proposals 


  • The Board of Directors approved a proposal to seed all teams in each classification Nos. 1-8. 

Boys and Girls Golf 

  • The Board of Directors approved two proposals: One provides clarification on the definition of a two-day, 36-hole limit creating greater flexibility for events of 36, 54 and 72 holes. The other clarifies that in a two-day MSHSL event if one of the teams modifies its lineup on day two, only that team will be determined to have played two events. All other teams will count it as one event. 

Boys and Girls Lacrosse 

  • The Board of Directors approved a proposal to seed all teams Nos. 1-8. 


  • The Board of Directors approved a proposal to seed all teams in each classification Nos. 1-8. 


  • The Board of Directors approved two proposals: One is to modify the penalty for exceeding the time limit from being ranked last in a round to the participant being dropped one rank in the round. The other is to allow speech participants to modify their speech from the sub-section to section and section to state level based on feedback from the judges. 

9C: Classification, Competitive Section Placement and District Football Timeline for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 

The Board of Directors approved a motion to accept the timeline outlined by League Staff.  

Key upcoming dates for Member Schools include:  

  • Nov. 29, 2024 --- Nonpublic Fall Report Form Due 

  • Jan. 24, 2025 --- Deadline for completed applications for new co-ops or dissolutions of existing co-ops to be placed and the deadline for schools or co-ops to opt up in any sports or activities, per board policy.  

  • Feb. 24, 2025 --- Member Schools inform League of new football co-ops.   

9D: 2024-2025 Strategic Directions 

The Board of Directors approved a motion to adopt the Strategic Directions that will guide work during the 2024-2025 school year. They are: 

  1. The League will promote and support its mission and beliefs and the value of education-based activities and athletics through effective communication systems and mediums. 

  1. The League will support the health, safety, wellness, inclusion and belonging of all students, coaches, administrators and officials through leadership, instruction, support and resources. 

  1. The League will employ effective policy governance to review, revise and create bylaws and policies that grow, enhance and clarify League student participation.   

Discussion Items   

10A: State Tournament Venues and Schedule 

  • Boys Basketball --- League Staff shared an update on the state tournament schedule and the challenges created by three regular-season Minnesota Timberwolves games during the week of March 17, 2025. Target Center will only be used on Tuesday, March 18 and Thursday, March 20, for quarterfinal contests. The remaining quarterfinals (Class A) and championship rounds in all classes will be played at Williams Arena on the University of Minnesota campus.   

  • Softball --- League Staff shared survey feedback from coaches who were asked about a state tournament site for a championship day event. This will be an Action Item at the next Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, Dec. 5.  

10B: Enrollment and Participation Eligibility  

  • League Staff shared information on Member Schools’ increased interest in more closely connecting enrollment and eligibility, especially in educational settings such as online education. Potential language and timelines will continue to be discussed. More information will be shared at the Board of Directors Workshop on Wednesday, Nov. 6, with potential action at the December Board Meeting. 

Committee Reports   

11A: Eligibility Committee  

  • The Board of Directors approved a motion to send an amendment to Bylaw 411.10.G (Alumni Participation) to the Representative Assembly for consideration. The 48-member legislative body of the League meets on May 13, 2025.    

  • The Board of Directors approved the Eligibility Report as presented.   

11B: Audit/Finance Committee   

  • The committee met with Auditor Juli Mader from the State Auditor’s Office to discuss the annual audit process.  

  • The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statements from July 2024 and August 2024.  

11C: Marketing and Communications Committee  

League Staff shared: 

  • Work is underway with Colin Sokolowski, a public relations and communications consultant, for a Communications Analysis and the development of a Strategic Communications Plan. 

  • Updates were provided on Social Media engagement and reporting from Member Schools throughout Greater Minnesota.  

  • League Staff provided updates on sponsorship and marketing leading into the fall state tournament events. 

  • Updates were given on media relations, including photography policies, expansion of photo coverage at state tournament events and electronic credentialing. 

11D: Education and Leadership   

League Staff shared the following information: 

  • League Staff shared officiating updates, including that state tournament selections are underway.  

  • Discussed information on weather delays, game-ending procedures and helpful phone apps to assist in management. 

  • Provided updates on Elective Coaches Education Courses available on Coaches Dashboards. 

  • Planning for Together 3.0 is underway. Events will be held in Willmar, Rochester, Bemidji and the Twin Cities beginning in November.  

  • Shared Wrestling points of emphasis, specifically focused on illegal holds. Officials are required to watch the regular instructional module as well as the points of emphasis. 

  • League Staff shared that a League-created Music Adjudication and Accreditation course is now the requirement for Music Adjudicators eligibility. This replaces using an NFHS-created module.  

  • League Staff members who serve on NFHS Fine Arts Committees attended the NFHS Performing Arts Conference in suburban Chicago in late September.  


  • Board of Directors Workshop (virtual): Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024, 2 p.m. 

  • Next in-person meeting: Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024, 9:30 a.m. 

  • The Board of Directors Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m. 


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Board of Directors Meeting Release: October 3, 2024