June 7, 2022 MSHSL Board of Directors Synopsis
Posted: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 - 5:30 PM

Minnesota State High School League
Board of Directors Meeting Synopsis
Minnesota State High School League Office, Brooklyn Park, MN
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Board Member Teri Staloch provided the reflection.
Board President Tom Jerome called the meeting to order at 9:43 a.m.
The meeting agenda and consent agenda were approved.
The Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from April 7, 2022, were approved.
Alyse Eichorst, Wayzata Dance Team Head Coach and Cannon Falls Dance Team Assistant Coach Chelsea Lockrem, spoke on behalf of the Dance Team activity proposals
Michelle Chen, Park Center Head Volleyball Coach and Park Center Boys Volleyball Club, spoke on behalf of Boys Volleyball and the Representative Assembly process.
Aleta Meyers, Austin Coach and Administrator of the Austin Boys Volleyball Club, spoke on behalf of Boys Volleyball and the Representative Assembly process.
Lobbyist Report
League Lobbyist Roger Aronson shared updates from the State Legislature.
He shared that there are no current plans for a Special Session to consider a state budget surplus. Reported that with each day that passes, the likelihood of the reconvening of a special session becomes less likely.
The extension of the State Tax Exemption on tournament ticket sales which funds the Foundation will not be passed without a tax bill.
Legal Counsel Report
League Counsel Kevin Beck reported no pending litigation.
Executive Committee Report
- The Committee approved the basic contract of a 10-year agreement with Playfly Sports Properties, LLC to manage the marketing and sponsorship of the League. The agreement will begin with the 2022-2023 school year.
- The Board of Directors approved an Executive Committee proposal to recommend a League contribution of $25,000 toward the work of “Together We Make a Difference” program.
- The Board of Directors approved an Executive Committee proposal to amend the name of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee to the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee.
- The Committee discussed potential apparel and merchandise providers. A new provider will be selected to begin in the 2022-2023 school year.
- The Committee approved the ongoing agreement between Fond du Lac and Cloquet High School providing eligibility to Native American students who live within the Cloquet school district and attend either Fond du Lac or Cloquet to be eligible for sports at the school they choose beginning in the ninth grade. Any desire by a student to change their school of choice for athletic participation would be subject to the Transfer and Eligibility bylaw.
- Approved an honorary dinner for Bill Webb, the 2022 NFHS Citation Award recipient at the NFHS Summer Meeting later this month.
9. Action Items
A. 2022-2023 Complimentary Ticket List:
The Board of Directors approved the Complimentary Ticket List for 2022-2023.
B. 2022-2023 Speech Season: Books and Topic
The Board of Directors approved the 2022-2023 Speech Season Books and Topic.
C. 2022-2023 Board of Directors Officers
The Board of Directors affirmed the election of Troy Stein, President; Jim Smokrovich, Vice President and John Ostrowski, Treasurer.
D. Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) Policy
The Board of Directors approved a Name, Image and Likeness Policy designed to provide direction for member schools and protect the amateur status of student-athletes. This approved policy governs the actions of students that engage in commercial activities using their Name, Image and Likeness. The policy can be found here.
Winter Activity Advisory Proposals
Alpine Skiing
The Board of Directors approved a proposal to implement the same tie-breaking procedure at the state meet that is used at the section level. The process will go to the fifth-and sixth-place finisher in succession to identify the winning team. If still tied, it goes back to the top three, top two and top one, successively.
The Board of Directors approved a second-run order at the state meet that is based on the first-run placement. The first 30 finishers would run in opposite order starting from 30th down to first. Then finishers 31 through to highest finisher.
A proposal that would permit the use of photos or videos to protest disqualifications failed when it died due to the lack of a second.
The Board of Directors approved a proposal that would permit a participant to ski a non-scoring second run at the end of the competition after receiving a DNF, DSQ or NPS in the first run.
The Board of Directors approved an opportunity for conferences to make the decision to permit the use of a 35-second shot clock during all conference contests if all schools have the capability to use a shot clock. Shot clocks will be mandated in the 2023-2024 season.
The Board of Directors approved the author-requested withdrawal of a proposal to establish a modified version for Class AAAA boys and girls teams advancing to the state tournament. The proposed plan would seed the top eight teams when there were 16 teams still competing.
The Board of Directors approved a proposal to standardize the number of state qualifiers in both Jazz and High Kick at three teams from each section.
The Board of Directors denied a motion to assign the competition order for State Preliminaries by their placement in the Section Tournaments.
The Board of Directors approved a proposal that will permit a wrestling team to schedule four girls-only meets without counting toward the 16 allowed team events each season. Girls participants will still be held to the 16-event and 45-match individual limits in the current bylaw.
A proposal that would add an extra half-day to the state tournament to create additional time for growth in girls wrestling and provide all wrestlers the opportunity, in part, to participate in wrestlebacks, failed when it received a motion, but not a second by the Board of Directors.
A proposal to implement an additional round of state qualifiers did not receive a motion from the Board of Directors.
10. Discussion Items
Officials Strategies
- League Staff shared information and feedback from the NFHS-sponsored Officials Consortium that was recently held with Section 5 officials administrators. The League plans to continue discussion with its Board of Directors and member schools to determine next steps in the recruiting and retaining of officials and judges. The Board of Directors discussed ideas and strategies and will continue to address these at the August workshop.
Representative Assembly
- Executive Director Erich Martens reviewed the Representative Assembly process and engaged the Board of Directors in discussion on how to move forward relative to Boys Volleyball.
- After lengthy discussion, a motion was made and approved by the Board of Directors to create a task force that will review and outline processes and pathways for emerging sports.
11. Committee Reports
Eligibility Committee
The Board of Directors approved the proposed Dance Rules Book.
The Board of Directors approved Bylaw 110 Policy Language that aligns with changes approved to Bylaw 110 by the Representative Assembly on May 10.
The Board of Directors approved Bylaw 111 Policy Language with clearer definitions and updated language regarding the process.
The Board of Directors approved the Eligibility Committee report.
Audit/Finance Committee
The Board of Directors approved the March and April financial statements.
The Board of Directors approved the 2020-2021 Fiscal Audit Report.
The Board of Directors approved the Charitable Organization Annual Report/IRS Form 990.
The Board of Directors also approved the Catastrophic Accident and Concussion Insurance Coverage for the 2022-2023 school year.
Marketing and Communications Committee
League Staff shared an update on Connect, the League’s monthly online news magazine. League Staff shared the Salute to Title IX Series has been a great success.
The League’s pre-state tournament online souvenir programs, based on analytics, have been a successful resource for member schools, fans and media.
League Staff shared an update on Media Policy work that will be presented for approval at the August workshop. Topics to be addressed include the continued evolution of streaming and the new-age media that cover League events.
League Staff will work with its streaming partner, School Space Media, on the creation of three video Public Service Announcements. The three focus areas are: Adapted Athletics, Recruiting and Retaining Officials and the “Together We Make a Difference” initiative.
League Staff reported that brackets are live on the website and the summer rollover to a new school year will take place in mid-July.
Education and Leadership Committee
The committee discussed the work of two student committees: MSHSL Student Leadership Advisory Committee and the “Together We Make a Difference” Initiative and how the two groups can collaborate as each begins.
The Summer/Fall Minnesota Head Coaches Course schedule has been finalized and posted.
InSideOut Coaching and AD training is scheduled for July 25 at the Omni Hotel.
The CER Renewal is finishing Year Two of a three-year cycle.
All League coaches and officials are required to view the annual general online rules meeting and a sport-specific rules meeting.
The Officiating DEI Committee continues to meet. Officials registration materials now include optional demographic information to assist League Staff in identifying baseline numbers and track demographic information.
In continuing its Salute to Title IX, the Board of Directors recognized four women who are trailblazing pioneers in bringing equitable opportunities for females in co-curricular activities. Title IX, the landmark federal civil rights law, is celebrating its 50th year of enactment and in a run-up to the anniversary of its passage on June 23, the League’s Board of Directors joins thousands of other high school administrative leaders across the country with tributes. Today, the Board of Directors recognized:
Becky Montgomery --- Second ever female Past President of the Board of Directors. She served the Board from 1993-1998 and was president in 1997-1998.
Vicki Davis --- The first female Region Secretary from 1997-2007 and the first female official to work the first Girls Basketball State Tournaments in 1974 and 1975.
Lisa Lissimore --- She retired in late April after a 34-year career with the League as an Associate Director. Her passionate and tireless service on behalf of member schools and participants to create opportunities and leadership growth have been recognized at the national level.
Dorothy McIntyre --- Joined the League in 1970 as an associate director to assist member schools in developing girls sports programming. Her advocacy on the state and national levels was a driving force for equal opportunities for girls.
Departing Board of Directors Members
Plaques and words of recognition were shared for departing board members: Sandra Setter Larsen, Walter Hautala, Dustin Bosshart, Teri Staloch and Tom Jerome.
12. Informational Items
A. New Board Member Orientation: Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 9 a.m., League Office
B. August Workshop and Board Meeting: Monday and Tuesday, August 1 and 2, 2022; Spicer, MN
C. MSHSL Summer Hours, Monday, June 20, 2022-Friday, July 29, 2022: Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m.-5 p.m.; closed Friday
D. Summer No-Contact Period: July 2-8, 2022
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.