League’s Board of Directors salute Title IX during business meeting
Posted: Thursday, February 3, 2022 - 4:08 PM

GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. --- Title IX, the landmark federal civil rights law that paved the way to equality and athletic opportunities for girls and women, is celebrating its 50th year of enactment. In a run-up to the national celebration of its passage on June 23, the Minnesota State High School League’s Board of Directors is joining other high school administrative leaders across the country recognizing individuals for their pioneering efforts.
During the Board of Directors meeting today at the Minneapolis Marriott West, Region 3AA-4AA representative Sandra Setter Larsen, the activities director at Eagan High School, shared a reflection to open the meeting. Setter Larsen shared a personalized account of her journey through high school activities and how the wisdom and teaching from her coaches in volleyball, basketball and track and field fueled her fight against cancer as an adult.
The connections through co-curricular activities provided comfort and strength when Setter Larsen and her husband, Wally, met with the surgical oncologist. The surgical oncologist was a softball official, and as a high school student, won a Minnesota State High School League softball state championship.
“My reflection is based on gratitude,” Setter Larsen said. “I have gratitude for the founders of Title IX. They are giants, whose shoulders I, and millions of women, stand upon as benefactors of Title IX. I also am grateful for the Minnesota State High School League as this organization supported the implementation of (girls) interscholastic athletics in the state of Minnesota and has worked to support far-reaching opportunities for both girls and boys through Title IX.”
Following the reflection, the other female administrators on the Board of Directors were recognized: Dr. Julie Anderson (Governor Appointee); Dawn Engebretson (Girls Sports Representative); Amanda Kaus (MMEA representative); Suzy Guthmiller (MSBA); Amanda Kaus (MMEA); Jeanna Lilleberg (MSBA); Ceil McDonald (Speech); Lisa Quednow (Sections 1AA-2AA); Teri Staloch (MASA); May Thao-Schuck (Governor Appointee).
Additional recognitions and tributes are planned at the remaining in-person Board of Directors meetings in April and June.
In other business:
The Board of Directors approved a recommendation to sunset the tournament reimbursement policy that provided financial support to member schools that had individuals and teams participate in League state tournament events. In June 2021, the Board of Directors approved the recommendation of a Sustainable Financial Model that incorporates any excess revenue into the future calculation of membership dues. The sunset of the tournament reimbursement policy now credits excess revenues to all member schools.
A request to move a proposed constitutional amendment to a member school vote was denied. The proposed amendment included a request to move the total number of board members to 30 from its current number of 22.
In a roll call vote, the Board of Directors approved a recommendation of the Bylaw 110 and 111 Ad Hoc Committee to advance to the Representative Assembly for consideration in May. The committee developed a recommendation that more closely aligns with the national standard of four years of eligibility beginning in 9th grade. The recommendation adds clarity to the bylaw and also permits eligibility in Grades 7 and 8, according to Bylaw 105.1.
League Staff shared updated COVID-19 guidance as concerns and challenges for member schools continue. With winter state tournament events planned in traditional venues and typical formats, League Staff addressed current individual safety requirements as well as Covid Interrupted Competition Guidance.
League Staff and League Legal Counsel presented information on the recent changes to the legality of individuals profiting from their Name, Image and Likeness while considered an amateur. Potential draft language was discussed that incorporates the League’s bylaws and provides guidance on maintaining amateur status. Additional discussion will take place at the April Board Meeting with potential passage of a Board Policy in June.
The next Board of Directors meeting is Thursday, April 7, 2022.

MSHSL Female Board Members- From left to right: Suzy Guthmueller, Amanda Kaus, May Thao-Schuck, Jeanna Lilleberg, Dr. Julie Anderson, Lisa Quednow, Dawn Engebretson, Teri Staloch, Sandra Setter Larsen. Not pictured: Ceil McDonald.