Staff Reflection: Bob Madison
Posted: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 10:52 AM

Senior Associate Director Bob Madison shares information about chain gangs, some important unsung heroes of the annual Prep Bowl.
The Prep Bowl is synonymous with Thanksgiving and a symbolic end to the Minnesota State High School League’s fall state tournament events. Prep Bowl XLI was a state tournament crescendo to remember. It was the second-largest Prep Bowl attendance since the opening of U.S. Bank Stadium in 2016. And the moderate fall weather played a positive role as 24 high schools served as hosts for the football quarterfinals.
In total, 113,764 were in attendance from the quarterfinals through the championship games. It is obvious to those in attendance the talent that is on the field. Our student-athletes never fail to perform at their highest level, the coaches displayed their abilities to strategize and lead, and the best high school officials available were selected to officiate. There are also many unsung workers who are not as visible as the aforementioned. One of those groups is our chain crews.
They are a unique group of individuals in your communities who often volunteer their time to make sure the game can be administered as it should be. As often displayed, football is a game of inches and they are governed by the “chains” indicating where the ball is placed, the down and the 10 yards to be gained for a first down. These chain crews from all over the state volunteer their time to ensure the Prep Bowl Playoff is no different. For 25 years, our Prep Bowl semifinals and championships were organized by Tim Ronning. He was referred to as Timmy for those that knew him, and he always greeted you with his infectious smile and personality. Timmy, along with his dad and brother Ritchie, also ran the chains for the Braham High School Football Team for 36 years with pride.
On March 29, 2023, we lost Timmy while he was traveling in Arizona. I was shocked to receive the unexpected call from his family. In their grief of losing Timmy, they wanted to make sure we were one of the first to know. I believe they wanted to ensure that Timmy’s legacy of organizing chain crews continued and that we had adequate time to secure this year’s group of chain crews.
Jason Nickleby from the League Office and Mike Spanier, our State Coordinator of Football Officials, quickly developed an application process and organized a vision of how to make sure we had chain crews for this past season’s Prep Bowl semifinals and championships. As they were doing so, our chain crews across the state were anxious knowing of Timmy’s passing and yet eager to apply for this year’s contests.
We received 56 applications from chain crews across the state and selected 19 different chain crews to work in 21 contests. We also integrated auxiliary chain crews into this year’s semifinals and championships. Tom Bauman, the former Buffalo High School Activities Director, was also asked to assist in working with the chain crews throughout the tournament. Tom would tell you that it was incredibly rewarding working with these impressive groups of passionate and selfless individuals.

Tim Ronning would be proud of his legacy and the continued service of our chain crews lives on at the Prep Bowl Playoffs.