Description of Citation Award: This award is designed to recognize and reward associations for a specific program that they have enacted which has had a significant impact on the Association or the schools, student athletes, or communities that they serve. The program could be a new and innovative program, or one that the Association has been involved with for a longer period of time. Programs could involve one or more of the following: Training, Recruiting, Retaining, Mentoring, or other programs which impact the administration of the Association and/or the customers that they serve.
Criteria for the Award: To qualify for this award the Association must currently be a MSHSL Charter/Legacy Official’s Association.
Application Timeline and Process: The annual application deadline is January 20th. This award will be awarded on a biennial basis. Award recipients will be selected and notified by mid-February. Awards will be presented at the State Boys Basketball Tournament.
This application will not be considered unless the entire application is completed. Please note that the MSHSL Awards Selection Committee may request additional information regarding any proposal.