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Health and Safety: Emergency Action Planning

Anyone Can Save a Life | Emergency Action Plans

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Learning Modules

NFHS Collapsed Student

High school coaches know the importance of preparation. You spend hours developing practice and game plans. You work tirelessly to perfect performance all in an effort to help your students excel in their sport or activity and in life. Every year high school students endure serious injuries and suffer life-threatening medical emergencies while participating in sports and activities. The causes are many and varied. Some may result from known medical conditions, while others may be a consequence of the activity, environmental conditions, or an unrecognized medical condition. The bottom line, when you witness the collapse of an athlete, you may be responsible for their immediate and appropriate care. But what do you do? Who do you call? Where do you start? This course will teach you the importance of developing Emergency Action Plans and practicing them, including assigning responsibilities to team members. You’ll discover the three H’s; HEART, HEAT and HEAD and their relationship to potentially fatal injuries and illnesses. When your athlete collapses and you need to act, you will know an action plan designed to take you step by step through the process of helping the collapsed athlete. You will be prepared when any emergency arises. Free course.  Requires Registration. Certificate of Completion.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest SMAC

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the number one cause of death in the United States for student-athletes during exercise. Caused by a structural or electrical problem associated with the heart, Sudden Cardiac Arrest happens when the heart unexpectedly stops beating and pumping blood. This is why the National Federation of State High School Associations, in partnership withSimon’s Heart,has developed the course Sudden Cardiac Arrest. This course will help you learn and recognize the warning signs and symptoms of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Also included are guidelines for what to do in the critical moments after an individual suddenly collapses in order to save their life, such as calling 9-1-1, starting chest compressions and sending for an AED. So take the free course, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, available on the NFHS Learning Center.