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Now displaying results 1–12 of 466.

John's Journal Top 10 From 2023-24: A Wrestling Journey From Italy To The X

Tommaso Costantini is a foreign-exchange student who grew up playing rugby in Italy, and dove right into American high school sports by playing football last fall and wrestling this winter. He was a starting linebacker for the Eagles by the midway point in the season and getting to the state wrestling tournament was another memory that will last a lifetime.

John's Journal: One Moment, One Hug, That Meant Everything

On the final weekend of the 2023-2024 school year, in the ballpark that every baseball-loving kid in Minnesota dreams about, four state champions were decided after a week of weather delays, uncertainty and waiting … waiting … and more waiting.

John's Journal: Remembering Willie, Mickey And The Duke

I don’t know how many sports books were available at my little hometown library in Graettinger, Iowa, but I do know that I read every one of them, some of them more than once, and my favorites were about great baseball players.
1–12 of 466 results