John’s Journal: Searching For The Owner Of A 1967 MSHSL Medal
Keepsake From State Speech Tournament Was Found On A Colorado Golf Course
Posted: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 - 12:08 PM

This medal from the 1967 MSHSL state speech tournament is searching for its original owner.
One year ago almost to the day, a circle of gold was completed when I handed a very special item to Phill Drobnick of Eveleth. Phill, coach of the Olympic men’s curling team, is the grandson of the goaltender on Eveleth’s 1945 boys hockey team, which won the first high school state championship.
I had come into possession of a gold medal from that 1945 tournament, and the medal that had once belonged to Phill’s late grandfather was nowhere to be found. Through happenstance and plain old good luck, Phill and I connected and the medal went to his family. (You can read that story here:
Well, we have another mystery medal. This one is from the 1967 MSHSL state speech tournament. It was made by Jostens and that’s about all we know for sure.
It came to the attention of the MSHSL through someone who is originally from St. Paul and now lives in Colorado. The medal was found on the 11th green at Heather Ridge Country Club in Aurora, Colorado.
It was placed in the club’s lost and found and sat there for a couple years. The speculation is that someone had been using it as a ball marker.
The original owner -- whoever it was that competed in the 1967 state speech tournament -- would now be in their 70s. Heather Ridge is an over 50s semi-retirement community.
So there’s the latest mystery medal. Let’s see if we can find the owner. Spread the word.
--MSHSL media specialist John Millea has been the leading voice of Minnesota high school activities for decades. Follow him on Twitter @MSHSLjohn and listen to "Preps Today with John Millea” wherever you get podcasts. Contact John at [email protected]