Staff Reflection: Charlie Campbell
Posted: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 8:19 AM

Associate Director Charlie Campbell shares an overview of the recently completed "Together in Partnership" regional meetings. The gatherings brought students together to continue efforts toward building safer, more inclusive school environments.
To foster safe and respectful environments within our member schools and Minnesota State High School League-sponsored student activities, the League launched the "Together in Partnership" regional student meetings in September. These gatherings provided a unique opportunity for students from various member schools to come together and contribute to shaping the future of their educational experiences as participants in League-sponsored activity programs.
At the heart of this initiative are the League’s Behavior Expectations, a set of guidelines created by the students of member schools during the 2022-23 school year to ensure that every school and activity remains free from harm. These expectations are a testament to the commitment of our youth to creating safe, welcoming and inclusive environments for all involved in League-sponsored programming.
The "Together in Partnership" regional meetings aimed to unite schools that share the following goals:
- Engaging, Developing, and Supporting Student Leadership: Schools that are eager to empower their students to take on leadership roles within their school and student activities.
- Collaboration Across Schools: Schools ready to unite their students with peers from other schools to collectively enhance the quality of student experiences across the state.
- Honoring Contests and Participants: Schools that believe in recognizing the value and contributions of everyone involved in their activities and contests, including their opponents.
- Creating a Positive Culture: Schools committed to action plans promoting a positive culture within their activity program.
The response to the call for participation was impressive with nearly 90 schools and 700 students attending the regional meetings.
It was inspiring to witness our state's young leaders engaging with their peers in meaningful conversations, sharing ideas and fostering connections that will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on our schools. The “Together in Partnership” regional student meetings have proven that when student leaders come together with a shared purpose, and they are supported by caring adults, incredible things can happen. We commend the students and adults that attended for their dedication to making our schools the best they can be.
“Together in Partnership” is just the beginning of what promises to be a transformative journey for Minnesota high school students. The League’s Student Advisory and Leadership Team (SALT) is committed to a statewide student conference during the winter activities season, where even more students will have the chance to unite, exchange experiences and continue crafting a vision for a safer, more respectful school environment. This is a conference designed for student leaders by student leaders. Stay tuned for updates!
Let's continue to work together in partnership to create an educational experience that leaves a positive and lasting impact on the lives of our students. Thank you for your continued support of the League, and here's to a safe, welcoming and more inclusive future for all!