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Health and Safety

This page provides Health and Safety resources for coaches, athletic trainers, students, families and activities directors. 



MSHSL Health-Related Rules, Policies and Bylaws

This provides an interpretation of Return to Participation -- Bylaw 107.02 provided by the MSHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. 


  • PART 1 –Competition and Practice Guidelines for Lightning/Threatening Weather
  • PART 2 –Competition and Practice Guidelines for Cold  
  • PART 3 –Competition and Practice Guidelines for Heat
  • PART 4 –Competition and Practice Guidelines for Air Quality

MSHSL Health-Related Documents

Anyone Can Save A Life | Emergency Action Plans

ACSAL Banner

Health and Safety Topics

MSHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee

The MSHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee addresses health and safety issues affecting student-athletes using a combination of research-supported literature and expert opinion to develop recommendations for the Board of Directors.

The committee was formed in 1989 with members representing the broad spectrum of sports medicine professionals who interact with student-athletes including physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, school nurses, and chiropractors; coaches; and scientists from exercise physiology.

The Sports Medicine Advisory Committee has contributed to health and safety programs and policies addressing sport qualification evaluation, emergency action plans, concussion, heat stroke, cold injury, lightning, skin disease, communicable disease, supplement use, nutrition, sleep, and many other health-related issues for our young athletes.