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Most Valuable Teammate

Learn more about The Most Valuable Teammate program here

Congratulations to all MVTs!



Most Valuable Teammate Week 22

Brooke Mergen

Maple Lake High School – Senior

Brooke is a determined and hard-working gymnast. While rehabbing an injury suffered in December, she continued to come to the gym and encourage her teammates to give it their best in practice and competitions. When Brooke returned to action, she was even more determined to help her team. She is a third-year leader who is well-respected by all. Her leadership and motivational skills make her an excellent teammate and friend.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 21

I'Tianna Salaam

DeLaSalle High School – Senior

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 20

Despite spending the majority of time on the bench, Abby is an unbelievably supportive and encouraging teammate. Her voice can be heard in every game, backing her teammates and offering inspiration for everyone. She is an incredible example for everyone in the gym. She is a true example of a Most Valuable Teammate.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 19

Maya Reichert-Giron

Heritage Academy – Senior

Maya, a two-year captain, led the team to its first victory over Minneapolis South in nearly a decade. While putting up a triple-double, Maya kept her poise, patience and leadership intact during an emotional team victory.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 18

Hailey is the only senior on our young Cheer Team. She shows much passion for Cheer Team and shares it with the young underclassmen Cheer Team members. She is a great mentor and leader of our team. She is deserving of this award.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 17

After suffering season-ending injuries in each of the previous three seasons, Elijah continues to model perseverance and positivity by finding different ways to help his team. While Elijah has not participated in a game this season, he plays a vital role to the team with his engagement in practice and his leadership on the bench during games. He has demonstrated a desire to be an active member of our basketball team, school and community.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 16

Jada is a leading example of dedication to her sport and team. There is no offseason for Jada. She is continually looking for ways to improve herself and the team. She knows, understand and values the “we” before “me” that dance team requires. These are core values she dedicates to not only her team, but to youth as well, spending nine months each year coaching young dancers.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 15

Arlie is the epitome of a leader and teammate. A team captain for three years, she encouraged and inspired her teammates, attended all team functions with a smile, and had a positive, encouraging spirit no matter the circumstances. When she didn’t race the way she wanted and felt disappointed, she was happy for her teammates’ successes and cheered for them. The Tartan cross-country program is incredibly grateful for her leadership and dedication.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 14

Lily has helped rejuvenate the Hawley cross-country program with her talent and passion. Her passion is contagious and she truly values the team aspect of cross-country. She knows it is much easier to perform when you have others in your foxhole going through the same workouts and races. She understands that completely and helps elevate her teammates.

TruStone Financial

Most Valuable Teammate Week 13

Erica is an amazing teammate. She is always willing to whatever the team needs and always puts the team above herself. She works hard every day at practice to push herself and everyone around her to be better. As a team captain, she worked hard to make sure every athlete was an important part of the program.

TruStone Financial